Tanáraink – Maksa Szilvia

Hi! My name is Maksa Szilvia. I was born in Budapest, Hungary. My family emigrated to America when I was three years old. We lived in the state of Washington and later moved to Phoenix, Arizona when I was nine. I moved back to Hungary in February 2016. This was a difficult decision to leave everything behind and move to a foreign country, but I simply felt stuck where I was in life. After about a month and a half and many conversations with my father he convinced me to „come back home”. So, here I was, new surroundings, new start, new opportunities….but what now?? I had worked mainly in the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. I looked through many work opportunites in many industries here in Hungary, went to interviews, and simply came face to face with the fact that I didn’t speak and understand Hungarian well enough to work in my learned profession. One day my father came across an ad in a paper regarding an English language school looking for teachers. I went in for the interview and now here I am.

Helen Doron teacher

Working as a Helen Doron teacher isn’t just a job for me, it’s an opportunity to not only teach and shape the minds of children but to learn from them as well. None of my psychology, sociology, or child development classes in college could have prepared me for this. I truly enjoy teaching my students because in return I learn more from them than any textbook can teach. I especially find it rewarding when during a lesson I see that ’ah-ha!’ moment on a student’s face as they link together the two languages. I love learning new things, therefore I do my best to make my students’ learning experience as memorable as possible so that the hunger for knowledge never leaves them.

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